Thursday, March 18, 2010

Small Potatoes

My friend, Elana Johnson, posted a thought provoking blog today about defining success. Actually, her posts are always thought provoking. That's why she has so many freaking followers. Duh. And I'm one of her faithful readers, because she's seriously rockin awesomesauce. Check out that post here, because I'm not even going to try and follow in her shining light.

I digress.

Anyway, this week, I've given a lot of thought to life, and the small things that matter as opposed to other small things that don't. It's kind of amazing how forcing yourself to think through something like this has a tendency to bring life into perspective. These thoughts are kind of similar to Elana's post, so I hope she doesn't mind.

What matters to me today:

My kids got themselves ready for school and out the door when I was barely functioning this morning, then came home safely afterward.

My husband is on his way home to spend the evening with us.

I had time to do Yoga earlier.

Lady Gaga sounds really good blaring through my bathroom speakers while I'm in the shower and blowing my hair dry.

I finally registered for the writer's conference coming up in April.

The sun came out long enough for me to put my convertible top down while I went to the gas station for a Dr. Pepper.

The gas station had Dr. Pepper.

My kids are happy.

My husband is happy.

I am happy.

The whole family is going to help fold clean clothes tonight.

On my dresser sits a stack of library books waiting to be read.

I have some amazing and wonderful friends who stand by me with unending support.

I have this really incredible, enormous family to stand by and support me too.

My little sister and her family are moving back to Utah after almost five years in Texas.

My first book is doing really well with sales.

I lucked out in the co-author department and picked a great one.

My second book is about to launch.

My third book is finished, and waiting for the perfect agent or publisher to discover.

That agent / publisher thing is going to happen any day now.

I'm married to my best friend.

He holds me when I need to cry and celebrates with me when I succeed--no matter how big or small.

My three teenagers, for all their angst, are well-rounded, healthy, and for the most part, dang good kids. So is my baby--who is not a teenager, but will be in a few years.

I could go on with this list, but you get the idea. And here's the point. These are the things that matter, the reason I am successful right now, today. Everything else is small potatoes. And who eats small potatoes anyway?

Don't forget that today is my regular day to post at LDS Writer's Blogck. Today's post looks at many myths I've recently heard about publishing anthologies.

Also, be sure to enter my really fun contest for way awesome prizes. Click here for more info.


Unknown said...

I loved this post, how cheery!!! I must say I have to try this out someday... over all it sounds like you had a darn good day!!!

OH and I LOVE DR.PEPPER! So hooray for them having it!!!

Carolyn V. said...

I love this Nichole! How funny that I have a sister in Texas too. But she loves it to much to move back here.

Yay for your second book! Woo hoo! =)

Rachelle Christensen said...

This was a great post! What a good example you are and I have to say your posts are very inspiring too. :)

Nichole Giles said...

I'm so glad to be inspiring to you all. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Wait, that's another thing that matters. People read what I write and smile because of it. I should totally add that to my list.


Elana Johnson said...

This is awesome! So many successes you have. Thanks for the linkage, and I tried to email you back, but you have your email hidden on blogger.

You can steal/beg/borrow anything from me any time.

*hugs* Hope we get to hang out again soon.

Nichole Giles said...

Elana, let's do it! I love hanging out with you. Okay, sad that you don't have my email. I'll make sure you have it today. =)

PS Thanks for all the awesome advice at your blog. It always makes me smile.