Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So You Happen Upon A...

Last week we talked about the zombie apocalypse, and there were some creative and fun responses. So this week, I’m wondering something else.

So. Let’s say you’re walking in the forest, minding your own beeswax, and you happen upon a…[insert type of magical creature here]. What kind of creature is it and what happens next?

This time I’m not giving you an answer, so you have to come up with your own.


Angela said...

It's a moon pony that has wings and can fly. Not that you can see the wings unless you see it in the moonlight. Then they look silvery and translucent.

The moon pony kneels and I get on its back. Then it takes me to a glass kingdom in the clouds where I can eat anything I want and not get fat.

Carolyn V. said...

The magical doughnut man with his carts of calorie free doughnuts. We pig out. =)

Windy Aphayrath said...

well duh. it's my fairy godagent who has shown up to grant all my writerly wishes!

ali cross said...

ROFL Windy! Well forget the centaur I was gonna ride while we discussed the mysteries of life--I want a fair godagent too!

Roxy said...

I would like all of the answers above with the addition of a chocolate cake and a unicorn. And a new pair of shoes.

Rebecca Blevins said...

Out of the cover of the tree scuttles a deadly Ringtinger mouse. He stops and stares, cocks the stinger at the tip of his tail, and runs at me. I turn to flee and trip on a rock.

I lay there, frozen as he raises his tail, body growing larger by the second, lethal point gleaming in the moonlight, then the glow is extinguished as the mouse screams.

The light springs back as a great, golden owl flies off. The violent stabbing and swinging of the mouse's tail does nothing to the bird; nearly silent wings beat in a rhythm the night keeps a secret from most.

I am alive. . .for now.

Thanks, this was fun!

Kellie said...

I have to say that I love Carolyn's answer. But if I have to come up with my own I will--if I can partake of Carolyn's calorie free donuts. Hmm, I would come across a magic sprite that eats dust. I would bring it home and let it live on my window blinds because I hate dusting them.