Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Catching Up!

Um, yeah. So the thing is that blogging has fallen way down on my priority list these days. And as horrible as it sounds, I still try really hard to focus my daily interactions on social media—as I think more people stay connected there these days than on blogs. That said, I figure it’s past time for me to share with you some bits and pieces of…things.

So here you go. Things.

I promised to do a giveaway once Water So Deep passed 50 reviews on Amazon. And last month while I was on vacation, it shot past that point. And now that we have moved into our house and are getting through the boxes (slowly, but surely) I finally found the prize I got in the Caribbean.

It’s meant to be similar to Emma’s necklace in Water So Deep, except more fancy. And obviously, the shell is bigger than Emma’s. What do you think? It’s a $95 value, and I will be putting together the giveaway details this next week.

Speaking of visiting the Caribbean…

I did a bit of research there. (And yet, no pics of me underwater. Boo!)

And then, we moved. This is intended as the last move ever, or at least for a VERY long time, so that’s the good news. I am now ready to burn all our boxes. After I unpack them.

And then, as if those two things weren’t enough to make my month huge and awesome, last weekend was my very favoritest-conference-of-all-time-ever. The LDStorymakers conference, 2015. Guys. As always, this year was epic. Sadly, I didn’t take a ton of pictures, but I did take a few.


And here’s one little silly.

We even had a dance party. It rocked the hotel. Literally. Or maybe that was thunder—I’m not sure which.

During all this, I was supposed to help reveal this cover for Rachelle J. Christensen. (Sorry for the belated post, Rachelle!)

Next month, I am also participating in a few big promotional activities, so keep your eyes out for those as well.

And now that I can take a breath, back to finishing Legacy. Oh, and speaking of that series… I have a secret! A big one, which I will reveal as soon as I can confirm that it is really for real how things are going to go. Sorry to be all vague and stuff, but I promise that if you’re a fan of the Descendant series—this news will make you happy. 

Stay tuned! If all goes well, I plan to reveal this news soon.

Okay, back to writing. Let’s talk again soon!

1 comment:

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Love it when you blog! And I like that necklace. It's gorgeous! So glad you might slow down just a tad now that you're moved, and hoping we can get together. :)