Friday, May 6, 2011


I will laugh and be happy.

I will attend classes that enrich my mind.

I will learn from my peers, mentors, and other knowledgeable people.

I will smile through disappointment, fear, or self-doubt.

I will give of myself.

I will meet new people and make new friends.

I will believe in myself and my work.

I will spend time with other writers/authors and absorb their greatness.

I will party with like-minded peeps.

Today, I will pitch my book to an agent—in person. And f she loves the idea of my book (or my pitch) I will smile. And if she doesn’t love it, I’ll smile anyway because hopefully, I will at least have made a new friend.

Wish me luck.

What are you doing today?


Angela said...

Good luck! I'm loving your positive attitude and wish I could mirror it in my own circumstances.

I'm sending my munchkins to school.

Windy Aphayrath said...

Have oodles of fun without me :( ... learn lots and come share okay? okay.

Cami Checketts said...

I hope you had an amazing day!
I ran 11 miles, cleaned the garage, and then my honey took me for sushi. Sad to miss out on the conference, but this year is a baby year.
Love your positive attitude.