Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh Holiday Movies, How I Love Thee

Summer may be my favoritist season of the year, but I also really love December. I was going to do a post listing all my favorite things about this month until I realized how long that list could get and what a massively long blog post it would make. Cuz I really love a lot of things. (In case you’re worried, I have not recently been to the dentist, nor am I on pain medication, however, I might possibly have recently dipped my fingers into a stash of holiday chocolate. Maybe.)

Seriously, it’s the only month in the year that I don’t much mind when it snows, and everything sparkles with twinkling lights, both inside and outside my house. I love those little twinkly lights.

It’s nice to be home in the cozy warmth during a snowy December night, made all the better when every time someone turns on the TV, one channel or another is playing one of many favorite Christmas movies.

Just the other night, I happened upon Elf. That’s a channel surfing stopper, right there. Then there’s always A Christmas Story. LOVE. Oh, oh, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

See? There you go. A top three off the top of my head. And they all have the most awesome and memorable one-liners (because we all know how much I love one-liners).

Okay, I told you my top three. Now what are yours? Let’s compare!


lotusgirl said...

I love the old movies like White Christmas, Holiday Inn, and It's a wonderful life.

Carolyn V. said...

My husband love Christmas Vacation, but I have to see Scrooge (the musical) and White Christmas. Oldies but goodies. =)

Shari said...

I used to love Rudolph as a child, but I love White Christmas and Elf.

Windy Aphayrath said...

I only have one MUST-see movie of the holidays and that's Love Actually. It's my absolute favorite and I once I'm off of work for the holidays, I usually watch it almost daily. I know, sort of pathetic, but I don't really watch it the rest of the year. Oh, and Natalie on the movie has an awesome red coat too. And we all know it's all about the perfect red coat.

Elana Johnson said...

I love ELF. And the Grinch who Stole Christmas. The Cartoon. :)

Angie said...

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (cartoon--not the other travesty), Elf, Muppets Christmas Carol. :)

Rebecca Blevins said...

Mine are identical to Angie's!