Random. That was a keyword in all my thoughts. My fifteen-year-old son uses it often, and because of that it’s a word not easily forgotten. But my thirteen-year-old daughter (who, by the way, is now about to surpass me in height) finds it necessary to attach an “ish” to every word or phrase she uses. Living with these two brilliant minds, and hearing their teen-lingo on a daily basis tends to combine and imprint such words into my writerly head. Therefore, as I considered the idea of renaming my blog, Random-ish seemed a natural transition. After all, everything I post is rather randomish.
Now that I have explained that, a few other minor things. This past month, I have accumulated a stack of books and music that I intend to review over the next several weeks. Along with these reviews, I intend to give away some great prizes, so keep your eyes open for more free stuff. (Because, lets face it, we all want free stuff!)
All right, what else? Oh, I don’t know if I mentioned it or not, but this is not the only blog on which I regularly post. Along with other authors, I also post every Thursday on LDSWritersBlogck, and every second and fourth Monday on Writing Fortress. This week, I’ve posted in both places. Click here to see my recent blog about emotional writing, and here to see one about the transition between being called a writer and an author.
Moving on. Valor Publishing has recently announced the release of Am I Not A Man: The Dred Scott Story by Utah State Attorney General Mark L. Shurtleff. They are offering a discount to everyone who pre-orders their copy before Labor Day. Also, on top of the discount, the pre-ordered copies will be signed and numbered, limited editions. There are only 5000 available special-edition copies of this awesome book, so click here to order yours and get the lowest number possible. Very cool stuff!

Here’s the blurb:
An illiterate slave, Dred Scott trusted in an all-white, slave-owning jury to declare him free. But after briefly experiencing the glory of freedom and manhood, a new state Supreme Court ordered the cold steel of the shackles to be closed again around his wrists and ankles. Falling to his knees, Dred cried, "Ain't I a man?" Dred answered his own question by rising and taking his fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Dred ultimately lost his epic battle when the Chief Justice declared that a black man was so inferior that he had "no rights a white man was bound to respect."
Dred died not knowing that his undying courage led directly to the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation.
Dred Scott's inspiring and compelling true story of adventure, courage, love, hatred, and friendship parallels the history of this nation from the long night of slavery to the narrow crack in the door that would ultimately lead to freedom and equality for all men.
Go ahead, order it. You know you want to!
Finally, The Leteiner Gang Book Review Spot is holding a contest to give away an Advance Reader’s Copy of James Dashner’s new book, The Maze Runner. The much anticipated release on this book is October 6, and by entering, you might be the lucky winner who gets his or her copy before it even hits store shelves. Even I am entering this contest, because James has been talking about this book for three years and I want an ARC, too! Click here for more details. (Don't forget to tell them I sent you!)
Okay, so I’m thinking there were more things I intended to mention, but since I’ve been forced to stop four times in the process of writing this post (once to pick up kids from the pool, once to answer the door, once to break up a fight, and the last to cook dinner) everything else I wanted to say has fled my mind. I guess that’s another post for another day.
Have a great weekend my friends!
Dred Scott's inspiring and compelling true story of adventure, courage, love, hatred, and friendship parallels the history of this nation from the long night of slavery to the narrow crack in the door that would ultimately lead to freedom and equality for all men.
Go ahead, order it. You know you want to!

Okay, so I’m thinking there were more things I intended to mention, but since I’ve been forced to stop four times in the process of writing this post (once to pick up kids from the pool, once to answer the door, once to break up a fight, and the last to cook dinner) everything else I wanted to say has fled my mind. I guess that’s another post for another day.
Have a great weekend my friends!
i met the editor of this book in LA. sounds good.
That was all very ... random ... ish. ;)
Looking forward to your reviews Nichole!
Great blog Nichole! Lots of info ... It's funny though, I thought I commented the other day ... weird.
Hey, I've given you an award on my blog :)
I did notice the name change--loved your funny explanation. :0)
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