A few weeks ago, author and master organizer Marie Ricks asked if I’d be willing to do a review of her book on my blog. When she told me that the book is nonfiction about how to live an organized life, and how to keep some semblance of control over the busy, fast pace society tends to live these days, I said, “Sign me up!”
In truth, there are days when I feel like I don’t have control of anything, and others when I’m absolutely certain I have everything taken care of, only to have it all fall apart on me. So, you can understand why I was so eager to get my hands on a copy of “Organize As You Go.”
Here’s the blurb:
Have time to smell the roses again. Bring greater organization to your busy life! It is often the small, but important changes you make in the way you think, what you do, and how you respond to your daily stresses that makes all the difference in your capacity to have an ordered, more productive life. Are you seeking for answers and wanting to implement major changes? If so, this book is for you. Learn about 50+ organizing as you go personal, family, and home organization principles to change your life for the better, beginning today!
As I read “Organize As You Go,” I was pleased to realize that I am already using many of Marie’s techniques in life, having figured out over time what does and does not work in certain situations. But I have to say, it would’ve been nice for me to have read this fifteen years ago, rather than having to learn the hard way.
Other techniques I don’t use, but really need to start. For instance, in one section, Marie talks about how important it is to listen to the needs of your body, like when you need a nap, and how to build time into your day for those crucial little things that keep you going. All I could think when reading that section was, “Really? I can have a nap sometimes? Hallelujah!”
This book is sectioned into small, easy to read portions, and can be used as a quick reference for anyone looking for something specific. She includes tips on home, work, family, travel, and personal organization that all come together to help make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
I highly recommend it to anyone who feels a need to be more in control of their time and other aspects of life. Not only that, I’ve listed this book on my list of possible Christmas gifts (see, I’m already planning ahead) for my extended family members.
Thanks Marie!
To learn more about the author and her other work, click here.
To purchase your copy of “Organize As You Go” click here.
Great review. I'll check it out!
Thanks for the review. I'll be doing one myself and I agree with you ... Marie's book has so many great tips on getting organized!
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